Category: emerging technology

  • Discover Distinct Ways that WebAuthn and OIDC Compare

    WebAuthn (Web Authentication) and OpenID Connect (OIDC) are two standards that are often used to improve the security and convenience of online authentication. While they serve different purposes, they can both be useful tools for protecting against cyber threats such as identity theft and account takeover. In this blog post, I’ll compare WebAuthn and OIDC,…

  • The Importance of Product Design and Your Face

    I just received the November 2021 print issue of Wired magazine at the house and there’s an interesting Chartgeist graphic by Jon J. Eilenberg inside. The diagram plots the relationship of tech intended for your face in terms of both style and creepiness. I love this diagram because it fulfills its intended mission of being…

  • What Humans Can Do to Really Make Autonomous Driving a Thing

    Some day, hopefully soon, I’ll have a Tesla. With this thought in mind I tend to find myself contemplating Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), most often while manually driving my current car. What really gets me thinking is when I’m driving down a road that’s a bit off the beaten path. You know those windy and hilly…